
Keeled Skimmer

(Scientific Name: Orthetrum coerulescens)

Female Keeled Skimmer by Christian Fischer
Female Keeled Skimmer by Christian Fischer
Female Keeled skimmer by David Kitching
Female Keeled skimmer by David Kitching
Male Keeled skimmer by David Kitching
Male Keeled skimmer by David Kitching
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Species Information:

Length: 40-44mm
Flight Period: June to September (occasionally May)

The abdomen appears quite slim and has a pronounced dorsal keel. The wings have a straw yellow costa and yellow or brown pterostigma. At rest, the wings are often held well forward. The thorax has pale yellow ante-humeral stripes which fade with age in the male.

Male: develops a blue pruinescence over the whole length of the abdomen. Its eyes are blue-grey.
Female: has a pale, yellowish-brown abdomen with a medial black line.


Pools and streams in wet heathland sites are favoured. May be found resting low in heather at such sites.

Status & Distribution:

Locally common. Patchy distribution, mainly western Britain and Ireland.

Similar Species:

Could be confused with Black-tailed Skimmer or Scarce Chaser.
Male Orthetrum cancellatum by David Kitching

Orthetrum cancellatum

Black-tailed Skimmer
Female Libellula fulva by Neil Malton

Libellula fulva

Scarce Chaser